3 Tips For Using Wallpaper In Your Home Design

Sep 22, 2022 | Cape Cod Remodeling, Design, Elements of Design, Finishes

Maybe it’s because we’ve spent so much time at home looking at our plain old painted walls in the past 2 years, or maybe it’s just a trend that is making a major comeback. But either way we love how much personality you can add to a space with wallpaper.

Whether you are looking to add a whimsical touch or a geometric touch, wallpaper is sure to give your space a striking design that you and your guests will admire for years to come.  However, there are a few things to consider before committing to a design with wallpaper.

Tip #1

Don’t feel you need to wallpaper an entire room (although you can do that too).  Sometimes adding wallpaper to one wall or corner in a room is all you need to get the look you desire and you can save time and money by sticking (no pun intended) with a smaller surface area.


Tip #2

Select wallpaper with a classic color as the dominant color.  This kitchen wallpaper has the whimsical jellyfish that are perfect for the Cape Cod community this home is in.  With that in mind the homeowner selected a wallpaper that has a classic navy blue as the dominant color, making it easy to add home décor around the bold print.

Tip #3

When in doubt ask a designer.  If you have your eye on a particular wallpaper design, chances are you are following your gut and that usually leads to a good long term decision.  However, sometimes you need a little help.  Home design is not for everyone and that’s where designers can help you a great deal.  If you want to add wallpaper but need someone to be more hands on with your design then hire a designer to help turn your home into the sanctuary you want it to be.

If you are looking to add something special to a space in your home, wallpaper can give you an “of-the-moment” aesthetic that is hard to match.  Follow these tips to get the look you want in your home.


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